Jonathan Club
I'm going to preface this by saying, unless you're a member of the Jonathan Club or a friend of a member of the Jonathan Club, you unfortunately are going to have to miss out on their french toast. Thursday morning, bright and early, I walked into the extremely fancy and extremely empty Jonathan Club dinning room to grab a quick breakfast before my day in LA. When I say extremely empty, this room could probably seat close to a hundred people and the only ones in it were my family and the guy in the corner. I really struggled with my decision of a fresh tropical fruit plate or the cinnamon swirl french toast. I went with the french toast. Everything is gorgeous in this place. Our food came on a rolling cart and I felt like I was living straight out of Downton Abbey. I think the thing that really made this french toast, was the peaches on top. The french toast itself was good (I didn't really taste the cinnamon), but the peaches really made it great. Don't worry, it didn't break the top five, but if you're really set on trying it just join the Jonathan Club.